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Welcome to the Official TamrielCraft Wiki


Are you new to TamrielCraft? Click on the link above to be taken to the New Members page, which will describe how this wiki works and provide you with more information on how you can help TamrielCraft improve and expand.


It is expected that all members of TamrielCraft be familiar with our rules and conduct themselves accordingly.


dUe1gmzuCBBm5z4B-website.jpgThis page is a directory of TamrielCraft staff, as well as a list of credits for contributors outside of TamrielCraft.


This will take you directly to the TamrielCraft BBS forum.


Explore TamrielCraft from above as the map updates.

Please check us out on our social media channels, or join us in our Discord server for the most immediate updates.


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